Red Mountain Kagi Logo


There’s a very easy way to enjoy happiness – wrapped in a delicious coating of our finest house Swiss chocolate! Since the founding of our factory in 1934, our passion has been to produce the finest chocolate wafers in best Swiss Kägi quality. With the specialities that we produce exclusively in our home in Toggenburg at the foot of the Churfirsten mountains, we make the world that “little bit(e)” happier.

Our chocolatiers and patissiers carefully coordinate with each other to create our unique balance of genuine Swiss chocolate, crispy-baked light wafers and a mousse-like filling. In addition to our great passion and meticulous attention to detail, we emphasise traditional recipes, consistent quality thinking and responsibly sourced, premium raw materials. At Kägi, we blend tradition, savoir-faire and innovation for authentically Swiss chocolaty pleasure.

Quality and sustainability

Quality and sustainability

Kägi Swiss Quality


Exquisite taste experience
Tried and tested recipes since 1934
Chocolate from our own production


Swiss origin
100% Swiss made


Responsible procurement policy
No artificial flavours / no GMA
Certified palm oil (RSPO)

More about quality and sustainability

Kägi Söhne AG

Kägi Söhne AG An overview of Kägi

Our employees

Häppiness doesn’t only arise from enjoying Kägi’s specialities, but also gushes from our team. An enthusiasm and passion for the

delicious products of our Swiss traditional brand is what sets the employees of Kägi apart. Get to know them here.

Get to know the employees of Kägi