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Kägi Chocolate Shop in Landquart

Shop in landquart

Opening hours at Kägi Shop Landquart

Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 19:00

Welcome to the Kägi Shop in the Landquart Fashion Outlet. Here you will find all our Kägi varieties, gift boxes, slightly less than perfect products and further attractive offers. We look forward to your visit!

Our current offers in the Kägi Shop Landquart:

Opening hours on public holidays:

The Kägi Shop in Landquart is open 362 days a year. There are only a few exceptions on the following holidays:

  • Christmas 24. December 10:00 - 16:00
  • 25. December Closed
  • 26. December Closed
  • New Year's Eve / New Year's Day 31 December 31. December 10:00 - 16:00
  • 1. January Closed

You can find all information about opening hours directly at Landquart Fashion Outlet.

Do you have any further questions about our Kägi Shop in Landquart? You can reach us on the following telephone number: +41 81 544 59 67